Washington: A State of Contrasts - Teachers Manual (2nd Edition)
Regular price $274.95The Washington: A State of Contrasts - Teachers Manual (2nd Edition) is a one-stop educational shopping center. This manual provides the instructor, no matter his or her experience level, with a quick, well organized reference guide to make their teaching more effective and efficient.
The manual will assist each teacher in four ways, these include: Incorporation of a scope and sequence, chapter rationale, summary, and learning objectives that help the teacher organize and prepare their classroom instructional plans for implementation.
It also provides a variety of suggested instructional ideas to most effectively and efficiently convey the fundamental concepts, ideas, themes, individuals, and events contained within each chapter. Provide assessment tools with comprehensive answers to each and every student task, albeit the Chapter Review Activities and Chapter Exams. The suggested classroom activities and student assessments will be an accurate barometer of the students' level of understanding and academic achievement.
The manual is compiled into one 3-ring binder. The product is in a binder instead of the traditional hard bound method for ease of use, functionality and it allows Directed Media to include innumerable supplements for instructors.
With a binder, users can quickly access supplements and remove individual pages to make copies for their students. The spiral format also gives instructors the ability to individualize their manuals to fit their specific teaching needs, such as adding their own content and assessments to the manual.
Product Details
- Product: Binder/Manual
- Title: Washington: A State of Contrasts, 2nd Edition - Teacher's Manual
- Authors: Dale A. Lambert and Dustin W. Clark
- ISBN 10: 0-939688-88-3
- ISBN 13: 978-0-939688-88-3
- Publisher: Directed Media Inc.
- Publication Date: 2009, 2010
- Edition: Second
- Printed: United States of America
- Material: 2 (3-Ring) Binders
- Size: 11.5" (w) x 11.5" (h) x 2.625" (d) 3-Ring Binders
- Size: 8.5" (w) x 11.0" (h) Reproducible Pages
- Weight: 12.0 lbs. (Part I - 6.5 lbs. and Part II - 5.5 lbs.)
- Format: Black and White (Digital Version - Black and White, Color)
- Number of Pages: 1200
- Age Level: Secondary (7th-12th Grade) - Instructional Resource Materials for Secondary Teachers
Other Books by Dale A. Lambert
- Washington: Past and Present (1st edition)
- Washington: Past and Present - Teachers Manual (1st edition)
- Washington: A State of Contrasts (1st and 2nd editions)
- Washington: A State of Contrasts - Teachers Manual (1st edition)
- The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present and Future (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th editions)
- The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present and Future - IRP/Manual (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th editions)
Other Books by Dustin W. Clark
- Washington: A State of Contrasts (2nd edition)
- The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present and Future - IRP/Manual (5th edition)